Our Product - RWork!

We have developed and launched Phase-1 of RWork which is "Academic Administration" that includes:

  • academics wrto outcome-based education (OBE) model designed by NBA, and application of Bloom's taxonomy to provide individualistic feedback to the students by showcasing their strengths and weaknesses.
  • modules generating Quantitative Analysis based Crucial NBA Reports (coverage of 70-80% of quantitative reports):
    • Engineering- Around 425 marks for Diploma Programs, around 500 marks for UG Programs & around 200 marks for PG Programs.
    • Pharmacy - Around 425 marks for UG Program & around 230 marks for Diploma Programs.
    • Management - Around 430 marks for MBA/PGDM Programs.
  • structured digitization of office w.r.to Student Record and Employee Record to make their informational reports easily available. We have also developed provision to issue Transference Certificate & Bonafide certificates directly from the software.
Great User Experience

RWork is thoughtfully designed to enhance your experience. There are multiple touch points to reach a particular destination.

NBA at Ease

Quantitative Analysis based Crucial NBA Reports covering of 70-80% of the quantitative reports of Engineering, Pharmacy and Management.

Secure Technology

Your data is in good hands - safe, available at all times and almost impossible to steal!

Evolving for Better

We are continuously re-engineering and innovating RWork to keep delivering the best.